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A Visual Journey

Born and raised in Houston, Texas to an American mother and a Ghanaian father, Kofi Kyei-Amponsah continues to make extraordinary efforts in whatever sector he finds himself in. His creativity has no bounds whether it be in designing vivid and breathtaking illustrations to unique and bold graphics or exquisite architectural structures. There are no hurdles he cannot overcome. From a young age he has been fascinated with illustration and drawing and continues to perfect his skills. Moving to Ghana in 2013 to finish high school, he has been equipped to not only adapt to any environment, but to succeed amidst any trial or tribulation. To enhance his skills he gained his Bachelors in Architecture at Prairie View A&M University, all whilst continuing to hone his skills in character design and video editing. He is currently pursuing his Masters in Visualization at Texas A&M University. His opportunities to travel the world and experience different cultures have strengthened his talents and inspire him to continue his passion in the arts.

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